Expert Painting Services

Professional interior and exterior painting, texturing, popcorn removal, and epoxy floor painting in Brevard County.

Painting Services

Residential and commercial painting for all your needs.

blue and white can on white table
blue and white can on white table
Interior Painting

Transform your home with our expert interior painting services.

a blue house with palm trees in front of it
a blue house with palm trees in front of it
Exterior Painting

Enhance your curb appeal with our exterior painting solutions.

A hand holding a wide paintbrush submerged in a paint can. The surrounding area is covered in splatters of paint, suggesting an ongoing or recent painting project. The image is in black and white, highlighting the contrasts and textures.
A hand holding a wide paintbrush submerged in a paint can. The surrounding area is covered in splatters of paint, suggesting an ongoing or recent painting project. The image is in black and white, highlighting the contrasts and textures.
kitchen with island and table
kitchen with island and table
Texturing Services

Add depth and character with our texturing services.

Popcorn Removal

Refresh your ceilings with our popcorn removal expertise.

CBP Elite Painting transformed my home beautifully. Professional, reliable, and affordable service every time!

Daniel Sloan-Eau Gallie

A variety of painting and decorative items are arranged on a wooden surface. There are paint samples, a paintbrush with white paint, a white paint can, wooden beads on a string, and a decorative golden container with a floral design. The background includes a paint swatch in dark green and light yellow colors.
A variety of painting and decorative items are arranged on a wooden surface. There are paint samples, a paintbrush with white paint, a white paint can, wooden beads on a string, and a decorative golden container with a floral design. The background includes a paint swatch in dark green and light yellow colors.
green leaf plant beside wall
green leaf plant beside wall
